Recent twitter discussion in the wake of a terrible shooting incident made my mind do this: (I'm not in control of where my mind takes me sometimes and it often takes me on these little journeys)
She's 29, she has a happy life, loves her husband Frank and her little boy Jeremy. Last week Frank gave her one of those tiny handguns for her purse for safety, she doesn't like it but he begs her to carry it for his peace of mind. She's hurrying home today, she just made promotion at work and she can't wait to get home and share her joyous news with Frank, before they collect their son and go out to dinner. She's called the restaurant in advance, they have champagne on ice.......................
So eager to get home she decides not to wait for the bus but take a route through the park, it'll probably take the same amount of time but it's a beautiful park. Breathing in lung fulls of fresh air and looking in awe at the flowers and trees wondering why she'd never really appreciated their stunning perfection before, when suddenly she feels herself being dragged backwards, something bigger & stronger than her has her in the undergrowth and, before it even occurs to her to usher a scream his hand is on her mouth she feels a searing pain as he punches her in the stomach. Winded and terrified she kicks frantically as he tears at her clothes, he's stopped beating on her now and she realises he is fiddling with his trousers in this moment of weird calm she notices her handbag is within reaching distance of her hand and somehow manages to slide her fingers into it and hook them around the gun, just as he is about to reach his goal of penetration she reaches up and shoots him in the head..........................her ordeal is over. She's a little late home that evening and Frank seemed worried before he even clapped eyes on her when she walked through the door. He is there for her and she doesn't know how she would get through if she didn't have him.
She is so eager to get home and notices that she can see the bus in the distance and decides to wait for it to come instead of walking through the park. The journey only takes a few minutes and she is excitedly planning on how she is going to tell Frank her good news, after a short deliberation she decides she's just gonna blurt it out and jump in his arms and can already feel the overwhelming love she is going to share with him. She's rushing down the path with only the front door in her sights, quickly using her keys to open the door and running straight into the living room she finds Frank, who is being straddled by a woman. So enthralled are they in their activities that neither of them see her stood there. With her hand in her purse slowly releasing her keys from her grip, her finger brushes on something cold and hard and as a red mist descends and a rush of pure anger takes a momentary grip on her, she grasps the gun and shoots them both. Her ordeal has just begun........................
Well written.