Well hello Ether my name's Jayne and this is my blog which I expect will only be read by you!
Mmmm where to start, well seeing as I seemed to have crashed the "about me" section of this blog I might as well put a little bit about myself here.
I have a Daughter, a Boyfriend, a Mother, an Aunt, a Dad a close friend and an Ex-husband and that's it, I seem to collect things in 1's well what's the point in doubling up? I should also add that I have a HUGE adopted family which came with my boyfriend but they're his not mine!
At the moment we are skint, like proper count every single penny type skint and have been this way since I fell pregnant then found out I was redundant, it's great being home with my little girl but now she's at school and I can actually fit in work there is no work to be had! Thank you Mr Cameron for taking this country back in time. Anyways life's still fab I have everything I need it just makes shopping take a lot longer, making meals a bit more inventive and a bit embarrassing when it comes to socialising but we have our health and we love each other so none of that other stuff matters much.
My mother is a cat...............for real!!! she has 6 of her 9 lives left. I have been witness to the awesome medical miracle that is my Mother! She was diagnosed as terminally ill when I was 8 (30 years ago) and she has made it to St. Peters gates twice. When you find your soulmate and it turns out to be your mother well what more can I say, I am in awe x
Well the cuddle monster that is my daughter is whinging for cuddles again, so I think I'll leave off here as I don't want to miss out on a single 1.
I'll pop back another day Ether and bore you some more :-)
Good luck with the blog. I set up a blogger account a year ago to give it a shot and nothing yet.