Sunday, 4 March 2012

Living on the edge...................

..................financially speaking.  Tony has a new job hurrah! no more unsociable hours and being absent from the family home for what feels like days on end.  No more getting in at 4am and starting work at 6am the same morning!  Saturday nights out, lazy Sundays with the family and generally a better quality of life.

Unfortunately as we usually live hand to mouth anyway and we have just had to pay the last off our first proper family holiday, the old place messing about with pay owed and the new one expecting 3 weeks in hand...............well let's just say things are a bit tricky here at the moment.

Since Kayla is now in full time school it's time for me to step up and fill the void so that we can have an overall better lifestyle, torn between motherhood and career is most unpleasant so I've opted for working part time doing what I'm good at and waving bye bye to a career I worked my ass off to obtain.  Don't get me wrong this whole career thing holds no meaning for me anymore not since I gave birth, and it's a good job cause employees seem to think ladies with young children are the lepers of the working community.  Anyway thanks to the unelected condem government bringing our beautiful country to it's knees there doesn't seem to be any part time work out there to be had and I can't sacrifice the time I have with my little girl to work full time it would hurt both of us.

Also please don't misunderstand I am by no means a stay at home mother (that would be a dream) I do have a job working 10 hours a week and I care for mother, when she lets me!

So determined are we to get from this point to a financially brighter one without borrowing money from anyone that we go from a strange happy euphoric to dark depression

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